ne 24. 3.
International voices of Brno concert
Multikulturní centrum Brusinka vás zve na hudební cestu! Přijďte na náš koncert International Voices of Brno, kde se hlasy z různých částí světa spojují k vytvoření útulné a tvůrčí atmosféry.
Čas a místo
24. 3. 2024 18:00 – 20:30
Brno-střed, Kounicova 686/22, 602 00 Brno-střed, Česko
O události
The Multicultural Center Brusinka invites you to a musical journey! Come to our International Voices of Brno concert, where voices from different parts of the world come together to create a cosy and creative atmosphere.
Tickets: 24.03.2024 18:00 Co. Labs - Kounicova 22
The traditional annual concert of the Multicultural Center Brusinka is a significant event for our Center, allowing our students to showcase the results of a whole year of work and the development of their talent. In our Center, there is a unique atmosphere where people, regardless of age and nationality, can communicate in different communication languages, and one of these languages is the language of creativity. The Multicultural Center enables creativity without borders! Through music and inspiration, we express love, friendly feelings, solidarity, and support.
This evening you will hear on stage songs from famous movies and cartoons, performed by both experienced students from our Center and beginners who are just starting their journey.
Share this wonderful moment with us! Invite your friends and family, join our celebration where people communicate through the language of music. International Voices of Brno will undoubtedly melt your hearts and bring bright, positive emotions!