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Translations, interpretation and proofreading of texts in Brno


If your knowledge of the Czech language is not enough, we will accompany you to a visit to a doctor, real estate agent, notary. In addition to paid services, we also provide free services - we will call the doctor for you, make an appointment, write an email, or call the official organization

We also offer translation services. We translate simple and professional texts into English, Russian or Czech. The price of a general translation always depends on the specific order.

Approximate price: the price of one standard page is 300 CZK, specialization - 400 CZK, discounts are provided for students and non-profit organizations (the number of characters is calculated without spaces).

Additionally, we can provide you with legal translation into Czech, Russian, Ukrainian, English, German and vice versa.

Translation service

Professional proofreading

We offer professional services for correcting and editing texts in Czech, English and Russian:​
- undergraduate, dissertation, diploma, graduation, seminar, graduation, yearbook, thesis;
- extensive proofreading (scientific dissertations, books, websites)

Take advantage of language proofreading for your work; you can submit your texts today so you don’t have to leave such an important task until the last minute!

Estimated cost of proofreading: Text proofreading costs approximately CZK 150 per standard page. The work depends on the number of pages and the deadline. A standard page contains 1800 characters, including spaces.We also provide discounts for students and non-profit organizations (numbercharacters are counted without spaces).

Grammer Editing

Payment options

To a bank account, by card, from the FKSP fund, Benefits, invoice

Konečného náměstí 2а, 602 00 Brno-střed © Centrum Brusinka, z.s. 2020-2024

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